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Ag Assist Strengthens Collaboration with Dairy Women’s Network

Ag Assist has been working closely with Dairy Women’s Network over the past two months, strengthening our nationwide networks, and communicating the Ag Assist solution to key women within rural communities.

Although discussions of collaboration commenced a number of months ago, the Mystery Creek National Fieldays in June proved a pivotal catalyst for connecting the two groups, promising success, and showing a strong interest of Ag Assist throughout the extended DWN membership group. “We’re thrilled with the recent collaborations and activities with the Dairy Women’s Network,” says Beck Riordan, Customer Success Manager. “Our presence at the Fieldays, meeting and engaging with business partners has been instrumental in forging new pathways.”

Following the Fieldays, Ag Assist was present at Dairy Women’s Network calf rearing expos. Attending one in Southland on the 18th June, and a second, more recently in Dunsandel, Canterbury on July 2nd. Louise Benns, Marketing and CX Design Manager re-affirms “The recent Calving Expos in Southland and Dunsandel have provided valuable insights and connections for us. They underscore our commitment to supporting rural communities.” The expo’s had a strong focus towards getting the best out of calving and exposing local farmers to technology and support systems that can assist this calving season in running smoothly.

Furthermore, Ag Assist hosted a well-received webinar on June 26th, specifically tailored for members of the Dairy Women’s Network. The webinar focused on demonstrating how the platform can benefit members of the network during the demanding calving season. Riordan continues, “The live webinar on Ag Assist and its impact on calving has been particularly rewarding. It’s not just about technology; it’s about making a meaningful difference.” With over 40 participants joining the webinar the Ag Assist story was well and truly communicated to relevant individuals.

The recent collaboration has been extremely beneficial, expanding our customer networks and spreading the word about the positive change Ag Assist is creating in the sector. Benns adds, “Building relationships with such a pivotal group in the industry has been fantastic for our platform. The invaluable connections we’ve made are laying the groundwork for future growth.”

Looking ahead, the partnership between Ag Assist and Dairy Women’s Network is set to continue. Aligned goals and a commitment to supporting local farmers, businesses and families bodes well for future collaboration and events throughout the country. “We look forward to deepening our relationship with the Dairy Women’s Network,” Riordan concludes. “Together, we’re ensuring the success and resilience of our rural communities.”


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